Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Taking a punt...

I'm sure its life's little eccentricities that  make it truly enjoyable. When these become an annual event it is something to look forward to.

It's that time of year when the average height of people increases by six inches to a foot. When pink and other shocking colours of blazers explode onto the pavements. When grown men parade their Paddington Bear style tied on labels as some strange mandatory fashion accessory. Yes, it’s Henley Royal Regatta. This year, largely because there is a roof at Wimbledon, the weather gods have decreed sunshine and heat. Only overnight is it allowed to rain. Proof of this unseasonal weather is below.

Of course you might want to take a punt...  

Actually one of the images that Henley Regatta provokes in me, is the almost countless types who parade around town in their fashion crime blazers, prominently displaying their enclosure badges tied a la Paddington Bear style to self same jackets:

This Paddington Bear was kindly loaned from Asquiths teddy bear shop in Henley.